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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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Contributor III
Contributor III

Potential QlikView Percentage Bug?

I have a combo chart that has 6 expressions.  Left axes is a percentage format.  Starting out, the formats are great.  When I dynamically change the chart (by Filtering data), I lose the percent formatting on the left axis.

I've tried to format in expression: Num(field, '##.#%') and I've also tried to format via Number tab with Format Pattern and Show in Percent checked for all 6 expressions.  Both options work until I dynamically change the chart.

I noticed that if I only filter on the first expression the percentage is retained, Any of the 6 expressions if I promote it to the top the percentage is retained for that specific filter.

How do I keep the percent formatting? Is this a QlikView bug?

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1 Solution

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I could not comprehend your issue with your example - maybe your real data-set is different to it.

Beside this I think I would design the chart in this way and rather using two dimensions with a single-expression instead of one dimension and six expressions, like adding  as dimension and using the following expression:

Count({< Status = {'Actualized'}>} Distinct ProjectActivityWeek) /
Count({< Status -= {'Removed'}>} Distinct ProjectActivityWeek)

This looked quite similar to your chart and furthermore I think I would transfer the condition from the dimension into the expression, too.

- Marcus

View solution in original post

5 Replies
Former Employee
Former Employee

Raman, going to need a sample app or the actual QVW on this one, as need to see your data model as well as chart and expressions etc. in order to provide any useful feedback on this one.

If there are fields that have any confidential info in them, you can use the Settings\Document Properties\Scrambling tab to scramble those values to protect things...  Just be sure that does not impact our ability to be able to figure out what may be going on here.  


To help users find verified answers, please do not forget to use the "Accept as Solution" button on any post(s) that helped you resolve your problem or question.
I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.

I think this could happens if any of the calculations - and it means many, not only the final result else each in between-step to it - returns an invalid result like NULL. Therefore I suggest to fetch them. Usually quite helpful for it is to wrap your expression within a range-function, like: rangemin(YourExpression,  0) or alt(YourExpression,  0) or maybe any if-loops or something similar. Important is further that you really used aggregations and not only field-references which will return NULL as far as there is more than one value available for your dimension.

If the above suggestion didn't work directly it might be useful to use a (more granular) table-chart to check if really all calculations return the expected values.

- Marcus

Contributor III
Contributor III

Ok, I've attached the QVW with the chart in question.

If vendor 'KGX-MINC' is not selected the chart no longer remains %. If any of the vendor expressions is promoted to the top in the chart, that becomes the vendor that is assigned a percentage.


I could not comprehend your issue with your example - maybe your real data-set is different to it.

Beside this I think I would design the chart in this way and rather using two dimensions with a single-expression instead of one dimension and six expressions, like adding  as dimension and using the following expression:

Count({< Status = {'Actualized'}>} Distinct ProjectActivityWeek) /
Count({< Status -= {'Removed'}>} Distinct ProjectActivityWeek)

This looked quite similar to your chart and furthermore I think I would transfer the condition from the dimension into the expression, too.

- Marcus

Contributor III
Contributor III

Thanks! Putting it into 2 dimensions fixed the percentage issue for me.