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Contributor III
Contributor III

Store weekly data to track history

Hi community, 

I have a qlik that is loaded daily which shows forecasted production at the load date. 
This data is continuously changing as production orders are completed and new orders are created, meaning that the data is constantly overwritten. 

I want to be able track how the forecast changes - e.g. I want to be able to compare the forecast at week 1 with the forecast at week 2. Today I do this manually by storing the current week data in Excel and uploading it to the qlik. 

Is it possible to store the data upon reload into a QVD-file (preferably once a week to limit the number of qvd files created - the qlik is loaded daily) and dynamically including it in the qlik? 

Below is an example of what I hope to achieve:


Labels (1)
  • QVD

2 Replies


yes this is possible through " Insert and Update " using QVD files for incremental load

a sample code that you can use



SQL SELECT your_PrimaryKey, WorkCenter,Week(today()) as week, forecast FROM yoursource

WHERE ModificationTime >= #$(LastExecTime)#;


Concatenate LOAD your_PrimaryKey, WorkCenter,week, forecast FROM history.QVD

WHERE NOT Exists(your_PrimaryKey);


STORE QV_Table INTO history.QVD;



more details in this section : link

then you can use history.QVD for your reporting

Taoufiq ZARRA

"Please LIKE posts and "Accept as Solution" if the provided solution is helpful "

(you can mark up to 3 "solutions") 😉
Former Employee
Former Employee

Just adding a Design Blog post in addition to the Help link Taoufiq supplied, may be of some further help in getting it to make sense.


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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.