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Three objects - exact copies of another one - one behaves differently!?


These days I am having lots of stupid problems ...

I have a gauge_chart on one sheet of my app. That shows overall figures, without any set_expressions in place.

Now I was asked to add some more gauges for certain areas - three more.

=> I just copied the one three times and made three gauges and just now I added the necessary set_expressions, checking every time

     that I got the same figures as when I did the selections manually.

<=> One of the three gauges disappears and shows the "no data available" message when I make some incompatible selections, the

      other two don't. Also, I don't see any differences in the expressions used.

Do you have any idea what else (some little setting or something) could cause that? The only thing immediately coming to my mind was the $ vs. the 1 in the set_expression - but they all have the $. So why do 2 stay available in spite of any selections?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,


2 Replies

What about State? Are they all in the same state?


Hi Sunny,

I don't use >alternate states<, it would become too complicated for the users. Even if I did, in this case I would be surprised if they were not in the same state since all three are exact copies of the same original ...

Now I'm replacing the $ with the 1 however and I hope that solves this. Let's see ...