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Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

QlikView Scalability Overview

As the needs increase to deploy a system to larger numbers of users, containing larger volumes

of data and larger numbers of applications, often in different geographies, scalability becomes

increasingly important.

When planning a QlikView deployment for either the first time or an expansion to an existing

deployment, a key question always arises: what machines do I buy and when? The answer to

this question can be very simple or quite complex depending on a range of considerations, chief

among them are:

• The size and nature of source data.

• The number of concurrent users.

• The way that data and applications are organized in a QlikView deployment.

• GUI design and overall application design.

These 4 general areas –

• Size of Data

• Number of Users

• Number of Applications

• Application Design

are the driving dimensions through which we will discuss QlikView’s ability to scale.

We will discuss the challenges associated with each dimension, the approach QlikView

recommends and some real-life examples from our customer community.

This paper outlines the technical capabilities, real-world examples and the trade-offs associated

with understanding the predictable and proportional response of a QlikView deployment to the

challenges associated with scalability

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