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Contributor III
Contributor III

flexible Date dimension according to location close date


I'm plotting counts of events happening over time, by month, using MonthYear as my chart dimension.

What I want is that the dimension is always populated, even during months where no events occur.

However, if the selected location has a close date, then the dimension should not display any points after that month.

To put it another way  if there is no close date, display all points up to current month, with a zero displayed for any months were no events happened.

If there is a close date, display a zero for months where no events happened, but do not display any points after the month of the close date.

my  main chart expression was originally

Sum ([Count]) + Sum({1} 0) to ensure in months where no event occurs, the chart displays a zero.

Some locations have closed, and there is  a close date field.

I have wrapped that with the MonthName function, creating a PlotEndDate, which is either the Month Year of the close date, or the current maximum Month Year.

I tried using

=IF(MonthYear<=[PlotEndDate],Sum ([Count]) + Sum({$} 0),Sum ([Count]) )as my main expression.

My calculate  dimension is IF(MonthYear<=[PlotEndDate],MonthYear)

That works, in that if there is a closed date, I don't get any zero values plotted for months beyond that.

However, it doesn't satisfy the need to plot a zero for any months prior to the close date, where no event occurred.

If I change the chart expression

=IF(MonthYear<=[PlotEndDate],Sum ([Count]) + Sum({1} 0),Sum ([Count]) ),  then I'm back to have all months plotted, even past the close date.

Any thoughts or pointers on the best way to achieve this? Or is it not possible because its almost looking for conditional nulls?

EDIT -  with regards to the dimension, I have experimented with suppress when value is null, and generally I get the best results with this selected

Message was edited by: John MacKintosh Added extra info about suppress when value is null

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

How about this

=Aggr(If(MonthYear < Only(TOTAL <Location> [PlotEndDate]), MonthYear), Location, MonthYear)

View solution in original post

15 Replies

Did you try this




Sum ([Count]) + Sum({$} 0)

and then 'Suppress When Value is Null' on the dimensions tab

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Sunny,


I've just tried this.

It correctly stops points plotting after the close date, but doesn't plot zeros for months in between start date and close date where no event occurs.

I have 'Suppress When Value is Null' on the dimensions tab checked.


Would you be able to share a sample to test and play around with?


What is Sum(Count) here?

Contributor III
Contributor III

Sorry Sunny -  not thinking, its already summarised  - Events is the Sum(Count)

Ignore that, and I'll  get some raw non/summarised data together

I'm going to delete that spreadsheet now


Sounds good

Contributor III
Contributor III

It's very hot in Scotland today.

We're not used to it.. brains don't work

Contributor III
Contributor III

Here is a minimal example.

There should Counts of 1 or 2 per month when summarised by month

Ideally I'd like zero's plotted in between times.

And nothing past the plot end date.


Try this as a calculated dimension

=IF(MonthYear <= Only(TOTAL [PlotEndDate]), MonthYear)
