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Specialist II
Specialist II

Problem in Attached Document


I am going through how to use Jmeter with QLikview and i am stuck somewhere having following heading:

1: Customise recorded script to load test qlikview -> Pg.15

2: Configure path to files with random series.

Can you help me in this , what does it mean??

25 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II


The configuration that i have to made on client machine cannot be done

because client machine is 32 bit. Can i do one thing that i make the same

settings at server side ? Can i make client machine and server machine

same?? Beacuse client machine is 32 bit and server machine is 64 bit. Plz


On 04-Feb-2015 11:04 AM, "Alejandro Hernandez" <>



Yes you can use the same machine as both client and server. It is normally not recommended as the load client (jmeter) will compete with qlikview for resources - which during high usage will be an issue. However, as there are limitations to 32 bit systems in terms of performance you can use a 64 bit machine for both at it will at least be simpler when it comes to jmeter scripts.

As for the analysis, everything is described in the documents, as Alejandro mentioned. Some logs will be generated by jmeter, by using scalability tools this will be created correctly for you. Data for CPU and RAM is gathered by performance counters set up on the server (prerequisites document). Analysis is done by gathering all needed logs and reading into qlikview, covered in "User Guide for the Analyzer.pdf".


Specialist II
Specialist II


Thanx sebastian. I will try and in case of any error i will consult you.

Btw can u tell me following:

1: How to disable UAC in jmeter? I cannot find UAC option in jmeter.

2: Do i need to input the thread values in jmeter or i have just to input

thread values in QV generatedGUI ? Do i need to make any settings in jmeter


3: Where should i place process.xml in server. Can i put it in any folder

in any drive on server?

Many thanx



1. UAC is a windows setting, not jmeter. You modify it on the machine that runs jmeter. (Page 2 in prereq doc)

2. I do not know what you mean by QV generated GUI, qlikview is used to analyze the results - not creating and running scripts. If you mean the scalability tools, if you create a script with the GUI then the script is created for you - so you do not need to do anything with the jmx. One purpose of the scalability tools is to create the jmx for you.

3. "See Configure the Performance Data Collector" (Page 5 in prereq doc). Where you initally put the file does not matter, as it is a template file that you use to set up the data collector.

Specialist II
Specialist II


While doing Stress Testing with QV Scalability Tool , i am facing 3 problems:

1:  I have enabled Session logging in QMC but no session log file created in specified folder. What can we do in this?

2: I have created a test scenario(with 20 virtual users) and created Qvd's and analysed it. But when i change value from 20 to 50 Virtual Users , and put the corresponding log files in folders and just reload the SC_result.qvw . it is giving me old result of 20 virtual users and not of newly scenario. What is the issue??

3: In test scenario, after Open Document , i have placed a Test Loop(with different selections) and then second Test Loop(with different selection). But qvd's are created for only first Test Loop and not for second. What sit he issue ??




Please do not post the same question in several threads. Separate threads per question/issue will be much more helpful for others in the same situation

How to see other logs except jmeter logs ?? contain the answer for the latest question for example.
