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Specialist II
Specialist II

Where to find Session Log file ?


I ahve enabled Session logging on QMC. But No session log file is made to selected folder.

What is the reason ??


8 Replies

I believe the default location is:C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikViewServer - on the server running the QlikView services. You set the log folder location in QMC as well, though it's not something I've done in a while.

Specialist II
Specialist II


Let say i created second test scenario. Now i have to recreate qvd's . but

then how can i compare tow test scenarios? Because newly created qvds

override pre ious qvds . then how can compare them ?



Has the session file been located? If yes then the reason for not finding it in the first place would be useful information, and then closing this thread.

QVD question is best handled in the appropriate thread - How to see other logs except jmeter logs ??

Specialist II
Specialist II

Hey ,

I didnot get Session Log yet. Plz advice what to do.



Have you tried to follow Tyler's instructions?

His answer is correct for default QlikView installation and should work.

If you're unsure where the logs are you can always check log settings in QMC.

Open QMC In QlivView Servers select server and than go to Logging tab. Under the log folder you will have a path for log files. The log files should be present on the server.


The session log file name should look like: Sessions_<server_name>.log where <server_name> is the name of the machine.

If you do not see any files starting with Session, try to make a simple test:

- open Access Point using a browser

- open an application

Than check if Session log file was created.

I hope this helps.

Specialist II
Specialist II


I have jmeter log , event log, performance log , Process log. But no session log. I open browser and open a dashboard make 2-3 random clicks. But still no session file created. WHat to do ??

And moreover, my QVWSa nd QVS are same so i have added data collector to QVS and donot make changes to IIS/QVWS(bcoz QVS and QVWS/IIS are same). Is it ok ??



That is in fact really strange.

Is the checkbox next to 'Enable Session Logging' selected? (as in picture from my previous post)?

This needs to be selected - in order to log sessions.

One more information that I did not mentioned in the previous post. Sessions are logged when session expires. Default timeout for session in 30 minutes. This means that for a manual test you either have to wait or force close session to see session log.

Also please stay on the topic of the thread, otherwise it is harder to keep track both for you and also people who are trying to help you.

Specialist II
Specialist II


Yes Enable session logginf is selected.

Once again i tell you the process:

1: Created a test scenario and create .jmx file.

2: Execute it for virtual users.

3: Put the logs to dedicated folders.

4: Recreated qvd.

5: Reload SC_Results.

I cannot see CPU , RAM usage. I cannot see working set and private bytes values.  What to do for it??

aNd also by which log can we see the CPUa nd RAM usage??

ANd also i am not accessing the application in broiwser for all this test scenario.