load * Inline
DATE_STAMP, Group, Value
01/31/2024, a, 5
01/31/2024, b, 10
01/31/2024, hist, 8
02/29/2024, b, 60
02/29/2024, hist, 75
Using the example data above, I need to create a table that calculates "y" by Scenario like shown below. Column "y" should sum values from records where Scenario = 'hist' for all date stamps if the date stamp has data for the specific scenario and for scenario=hist. In this example, Scenario='a' only has data for Jan so the value for y does not include Feb data from Scenario='hist'. It is like joining the Scenario='hist' data to all the other scenarios by date stamp, but I need to do this in the visualization (not the script). Can this be done?
Scenario |
y |
a |
8 |
b |
83 |
hist |
83 |