So I have a Salesforce query that looks like this:
, r_physician_id__r.LastName
blah, blah, blah,
The field in the select statement is a lookup relationship in Salesforce. In the SF Developers console the results look like this:
However when I retrieve the same results via the SF Connector in QS Enterprise I get this:
I suspect the reason for the difference is that the lookup relationship is SF is doing sort of an outer join resulting in one null record and one with the data I am after. I don't know if there is anything I can do to the SF query to make it work right.
So I was trying to correct for this in the load script and I cannot figure out how to merge the records. Here is what I am trying:
r_reeg__c.Id AS peer_id
, MaxString(r_reeg__c.r_physician_id__r.LastName) AS physician_lastname
WHERE r_reeg__c.Id <> Null()
and here is what I get:
I have tried all of the string aggregation functions to no avail.
How can I aggregate the data so as to eliminate the null values?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.