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Contributor II
Contributor II

Alternate state - Set analysis - Calculation issue

Hi All,

I have created a comparison sheet where there are 2 alternative states are used on top of the default state.

The same master measure gives back different value in a bar chart which is in default state and in a pie chart which is in alternate state:

count({State1*$<[ForwarderName]=>} ship_id).

Chart in default state is a bar chart to display State1 and State2 next to each other, while chart in alternate state is a pie chart to display values for only 1 particular alternate state (the issue remains the same if I change state for pie chart to default...).

I have checked what if I simply select same forwarder in default state as what I have selected for State1 and calculate the shipment count (count(ship_id)) and resulted value was the same as in case of the bar chart (in default state).

Does anyone have any idea what could cause such defect?

Thanks and best regards,


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