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App couldnt be duplicated error in hub

In hub while taking a duplicate of Published & Non-published App ,we encountered with the error "App couldnt be Duplicated ".
then we tried Duplicating the same app in QMC there also we encountered with Error " Write Failed (Composite object write)".

we tried restarting services and server but wasnt helpful .

Note: User is rootadmin and owner of the application which he is trying to take the duplicate . yesterday business user has updated the cores from 4 to 8 , and from today's  morning we started facing this issue.

could someone help me with any resolution if anyone have face this issue before.

Thank you in advance.



1 Reply

Hi @unknown321 

By any chance have you verified that there is enough space on disk to safe the files?

Have you verified if you seen any errors that indicates problems to read or write to the folder where the applications are saved ? (Qlik Share folder under Apps folder).

Kind regards.

Don't forget to mark as "Solution Accepted" the comment that resolves the question/issue. #ngm