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Calculate for N number of objects per week, how many days a KPI’s daily value crossed a threshold.

Hey Qliksters,


I have a use-case where a user wants to calculate for N number of objects per week, how many days a KPI’s daily value crossed a threshold.


As an example:

Given these rows below, in a separate table, calculate per object per week how many days had a value greater than 3.



Some conditions/things to keep in mind:

  1. The actual data is at the 15 minute level, so I don’t think we can just write: count({<Fact1 = {">3"}>}distinct Date) because the threshold is based on the daily value)
  2. There are 800 million+ fact rows in the actual data set, so it would not be ideal to have a unique key per row of data to "force" the  set analysis to calculate row-by-row. I tried and hit a calculation timeout
    • count({<uniqueRowKey= {"= sum(aggr(sum(Fact1),uniqueRowKey)) > 3"}>}distinct Date)


Any tips and tricks?






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