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Hello all,
I am working on previsions on Month +1 Month +2 and so one
I could work it out to calculate the prevision of the M+1 from M0 but the M+2 is empty.
It means that Qlik doesnt look for the result of my calculation of M+1 to build the M+2 but it looks from the original data which is a 0 obviously ?
In the exemple i get the 9,82 from 3,84*X but for the M+2 i dont get 9,82*X ....
I don't completely follow what you are trying to do, but you can use before() or after() functions (left or right) to get offset column values in a pivot table. Maybe that helps?
Hello, thanks but it's not what i am looking for,
i am calculating a Month+1 value that doesnt exist (projection) from value Month that i already have and it does work
When i try to calculate Month+2 from Month +1 it doesnt work, and i guess since M+1 doesnt exist in the data base but it is just a calculated value from Month
It means that The only way to do it its to create several measures .... measure M+1 measure M+2 which is Month +1 * X and so one,
But the problem that in term of performance it's really bad sonce i have 35 months, and the month 35 is the calculation of each month from 1 to 35 ..
So i tried to do it differently in one measure, but i got stocked
Did some one already got in to this trouble 🙂 ?
what i am trying to do is to calculate from an ongoing calculation ...