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Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Conditional Formatting with common calendar

Hi All. 

I have a app I am converting from using a Gregorian calendar to a Financial calendar. I am using the Common Calendar concept by Rob Wunderlich. So far everything has gone very well, until reaching one object where I need to highlight where certain Vehicle Licences need to be highlighted, based on their expiry date. 

As part of the Common Calendar I have a DateType of 'Veh_Lic'. When I select the DateType field, 'Veh_Lic', the color and text conditions show up correctly. If I do not select the 'DateType' 'Veh_Lic', all the Expiry Flag rows show as OK. I would like to have the 'DateType' 'Veh_Lic' built into the expression itself so the user does not need to make a selection. 

Further info: the field [_BaseMonth] is created in the loadscript and is made up from Year(Today())*12 + Month(Today()). When I have a table the Months and [_BaseMonth] do correspond. 

The current expression for the text condition is below. This expression still works in the Gregorian version. 

"=if(AGGR(Year(Today())*12 + Month(Today()),[Registration Number]) = AGGR([_BaseMonth],[Registration Number]), 'Current Month',
if((AGGR(Year(Today())*12 + Month(Today()),[Registration Number]))+1 = AGGR([_BaseMonth],[Registration Number]), 'Next Month',
if(AGGR([_BaseMonth],[Registration Number]) < AGGR(Year(Today())*12 + Month(Today()),[Registration Number]), 'Expired', 'OK')))" 

I have tried placing the {<DateType={'Veh_Lic'}>} in various places, without success. Please could someone assist with this? The screenshot shows the color and text condition working when the 'DateType' 'Veh_Lic' is selected. 



Thank you very much. 


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