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How to change request body in JSON script on WITH CONNECTION to read any pages? I'm using method POST with request body.
My actual scenario is: on my string I can only pull twenty registries per page but I need to increment a loop to get all the others registries.
Hello Cláudio
I'm having the exact same problem. Did you have any luck with that ? If so, could you share the solution ?
Hello, Gleybson
I solved ... follow instructions below:
1. Create a REST connection.
2. Write the script below:
LIB CONNECT TO 'Categoria';
FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root"
WITH CONNECTION(Url "http://XXXXXX/categorias/");
Let total = Peek('total_de_paginas',0,'Config');
Let totalfetched = 0;
let vPagina = 1;
for startAt = 1 to total
let vRequestBody = '{"call":"ListarCategorias","app_key":"XXXXXXXX","app_secret":"XXXXXXXXXX","param":[{"pagina":"$(vPagina)","registros_por_pagina":100,"apenas_importado_api":"N"}]}';
let vRequestBody = replace(vRequestBody,'"', chr(34)&chr(34));
FROM "categoria_cadastro" FK "__FK_categoria_cadastro")
FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root"
WITH CONNECTION(Url "http://XXXXXX/categorias/", BODY "$(vRequestBody)");
vPagina = vPagina + 1;
NEXT startAt;
[codigo] AS [codigo],
[conta_despesa] AS [conta_despesa],
[conta_inativa] AS [conta_inativa],
[conta_receita] AS [conta_receita],
[definida_pelo_usuario] AS [definida_pelo_usuario],
[descricao] AS [descricao],
[descricao_padrao] AS [descricao_padrao],
[id_conta_contabil] AS [id_conta_contabil],
[nao_exibir] AS [nao_exibir],
[natureza] AS [natureza],
[tag_conta_contabil] AS [tag_conta_contabil],
[totalizadora] AS [totalizadora],
[transferencia] AS [transferencia],
[__FK_categoria_cadastro] AS [__KEY_root]
RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable
WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_categoria_cadastro]);
DROP TABLE RestConnectorMasterTable;
Looks fine, but it doesn't seem to woirk in my case, despite various tweaking.
Basically , the POST call is answered properly with the original BODY set in the REST Connection form, but once I try to change the BODY using WITH CONNECTION() sufix, I've got this:
Connector error: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
Funny enough, it's a completely public API I am trying with, that doesn't even require user & pass or other authentification...
Asked Qlik for support