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I've tried several different types of set Analysis with no luck. The information is sensitive so I replaced the names of the fields with Field 1 and Field 2.
We have a straight table broken out by ID that has a calculation Sum(Field1)/Sum(Field2) Formatted as a %. To show what each ID is current producing. Easy enough
I've been asked to create a KPI that counts How many ID's have Sum(Field1)/Sum(Field2) <= .5
I've searched and searched and tried to apply my formulas to what I have found in the community with no luck. It seems easy enough, but any calculation I try does not work.
What I have tried so far:
Sum(Field2)) <=.5), Distinct ID))
Produces a 0 result
=COUNT({<Sum(Field 1)/Sum(Field 2) = {"=count((Sum(Field 1)/Sum(Field 2)))<=.5"} >} DISTINCT ID)
Calculation has error
Try this
Sum(Aggr(If(Sum(Field1)/Sum(Field2) <=.5, 1, 0), ID))
Or this
Count(DISTINCT {<ID = {"=Sum(Field1)/Sum(Field2) <=.5"}>} ID)
Try this
Sum(Aggr(If(Sum(Field1)/Sum(Field2) <=.5, 1, 0), ID))
Or this
Count(DISTINCT {<ID = {"=Sum(Field1)/Sum(Field2) <=.5"}>} ID)
Thank You! It appears to work perfectly.