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Contributor II
Contributor II

Create Rolling Dimensions in As of Tables

Hey all, 

I am in need of serious help. I created an As of Calendar following the approach:

But it is not giving me exactly what I need. 

I need to visualize in a chart the Rolling Quarters based on the selection of a filter Month-Year. 

If for example the user selects Jul 2024. the chart should show: 

Q-Jul-2024 (sum of May 2024, June 2024 and July 2024).

Q-Apr-2024 (sum of Febr 2024, March 2024, April 2024) 

Q - Jan 2024 (sum of Nov 2023, Dic 2024, Jan 2024)


And so on, up to 12 quarters maximum. 

This is the code I am working with:


FROM [lib://conexion_prueba_eugenia (asclepio_e.castilla)/prueba/CalendarioIQVIA.qvd]

// ======== Create a list of distinct Months ========
Load distinct AñoMes as Month
  Resident [MasterCalendar] ;

// ======== Cartesian product with itself ========
Join (tmpAsOfCalendar)
Load Month as AsOfMonth
  Resident tmpAsOfCalendar ;

// ======== Reload, filter and calculate additional fields ========
[As-Of Calendar]:
Load Month as AsOfMonth,
  AsOfMonth as MonthRolling,
  Round((AsOfMonth-Month)*12/365.2425) as MonthDiff,
  Year(AsOfMonth)-Year(Month) as YearDiff
  Resident tmpAsOfCalendar
      Where AsOfMonth >= Month
      order by Month DESC, AsOfMonth DESC;

Drop Table tmpAsOfCalendar;

  I can't for the life of me create the RollingQuarter Dimensions. I have tried to play with the IterNo() <= 3 but nothing.


Please help please!

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1 Reply
Contributor III
Contributor III

I usually do all my date stuff in SQL to give rolling months  quarters etc. if a dynamic solution isn't needed ( i.e. user filters on month 9, filter grabs preceding months to return July/August/September also ) .

Something that might be worth exploring is something Ometis made over here, which creates a time-aware calendar based on an input date table -  you could use this for prior quarters / rolling 12 months etc.