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Create a new measure mixing other two that are working

I have two measures in Qlik Sense that are working:

A) Number of vendors with yearly invoicing < 18.000€ =

Count(distinct If(Aggr({<Transaction = {'Invoice'}>} Sum(Price), Year, VendorName)<18000, VendorName))

B) Number of vendors with invoices in every quarter =

if (Max([Month#])>9,

Count( {<VendorName = P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q1'}>})

*P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q2'}>})

*P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q3'}>})

*P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q4'}>})

>} distinct VendorName),

if (Max([Month#])>6,

Count( {<VendorName = P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q1'}>})

*P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q2'}>})

*P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q3'}>})

>} distinct VendorName),

if (Max([Month#])>3,

Count( {<VendorName = P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q1'}>})

*P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q2'}>})

>} distinct VendorName),

Count( {<VendorName = P({< Transaction = {'Invoce'}, Quarter={'Q1'}>})

>} distinct VendorName)


Now, I want to create a new measure that combines both. That is to say: Number of vendors with yearly invoicing < 18.000€ that have invoices in every quarter.

¿Can you help me, please?

Mensaje editado por: Carlos Navarrete Sierra Measures modified because a translation problem

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