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I have a dataset as shown below:
Month Stock Price
2 A 21
2 B 33
2 A 46
2 C 54
2 D 59
2 C 63
2 E 72
I'd like to show these values on a Scatter plot: With Stock as the dimension, Month as the X-axis and Price(without any aggregation) as Y-axis. I've tried this but the Stocks A and C are not being shown in the plot. Is there any way to show A and C, twice in this instant with their different prices in the Scatter plot? If not please suggest a different but similar chart where I can show all the above points.
Check the attached
As dimension:
As measure:
1) Month
2) =AGGR(NODISTINCT sum(Price),Stock)
result :
Hello omar bensalem,
Thanks for the reply. But you see I don't want to Sum the Prices. I want to display each and every point in the dataset above. That is I need A to be shown as two points: One point with price 21 and other with 46. Similarly, C should be displayed twice: one point with price 54 and the other with price 63. Is there a way to do so? TIA.
Group your Data by Stock and the instance of each Price that occurs and use the new Field as Dimension
LOAD *,Stock&'-'&AutoNumber(Stock&Month&Price,Stock) as Stock_New INLINE [
Check the attached
That's brilliant and correct; but suppose we do not have access to the script; and we had to make this directly within the scatter plot? How should we proceed?
Don't know, but me let try me a few things and get back
Is there any way of generating autonumber-like numbers directly within the charts?
The ponly way I could think of is using a dimension like this:
=Stock&'- Month'&Month&' Price :'&Price
You can use Rowno()
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