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Hello, I would like to know how we could filter, for example, on equipment whose data volume has not changed over 3 consecutive months, or on equipment which has had an increase in data volume greater than 10 GB during the last trimestre?
If you will always filter on the same timeframe (3 months), you could create a dimension in the load script showing the change in data volume over 3 months (or simply 'yes/no' it changed).
If you want flexibility to filter on different timeframes, you could create a dimension in the app using Aggr, and filter on that. Something like:
=Aggr(sum({<Date={">=$(=MonthStart(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth1)))<=$(=MonthEnd(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth1)))"}>} DataVolume) - sum({<Date={">=$(=MonthStart(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth2)))<=$(=MonthEnd(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth2)))"}>} DataVolume), EquipmentID)
And create input boxes for the two variables for how many months ago.
This gets you the change between the 2 months. You could enclose in an IF to see if the calculation equals zero.
Hello @Lauri , I didn't understand your formula, what does it correspond to? What does vMonth1 and 2 correspond to? How to do for the "yes / no" if the volume of the equipment has changed or not? Thank you in advance
A sample of my data,
Hi Wail, when I put your field names into my formula:
=Aggr(sum({<[Month]={">=$(=MonthStart(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth1)))<=$(=MonthEnd(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth1)))"}>} Size) - sum({<[Month]={">=$(=MonthStart(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth2)))<=$(=MonthEnd(AddMonths(Today(), -$(vMonth2)))"}>} Size), [Name])
Note that your "Month" field must contain date values.
vMonth1 and vMonth2 are variables that your user fills in two variable boxes on screen.
Like I said, you may prefer to calculate 'yes/no' in the load script. It's a little simpler than Set Analysis, but not flexible for the user. (Though you could calculate 'yes/no' for 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, etc. in the load script.)
Do you need to calculate the 3-month change for every row?
Hi Lauri,
I want to know how we could filter on, for example, equipment whose data volume has not changed over 3 consecutive months, or even on equipment that has had an increase in data volume greater than 10 GB during the last quarter. For example, I would like to have only appeared the equipment for which the "Size" has not changed in January, February, March or June, July, August (3 months in a row). For the second case, for example to have only the equipment which had a "Size" greater than 10go the last semester.
Wail, sorry I didn't reply sooner. Did you find a solution?
Lauri, no I didn't find a solution..