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How to do Count/ Calculations in Scripting side in QlikView/Qliksense?

Dear All,


I have some calculation in Applications like

Calculate last 12 months Cumulative count of  IDs, --> Line Chart

Count of risks/issues Category wise TreeMap, Count of  score wise (Low, Medium, High )  and Status wise open, Closed and Stacked Bar Re-Open like this i have each report 15 to 20 calculations are there , Due to performance issue  i want to move all these calculations into scripting side 

How can i do, Could you please Guide me here any one .

2.) and one more thing i need to calculate Median number of days to close

there are createdDates and UpdateDates and Status field has the values Open, Re-Open, Closed

So here i need to calculate whatever the Risks closed , for them How many median number  of days to taken to close Month on Month on Bars and last 3 months Cumulative Median number of days on line (Combo chart).


One more Calculation on Median number of days.

In KPI  by default it should show Median number of days to taken for closing the risks/issues from last month starting to till today, When the user will select any date from Date filter it should  Calculate the Median Number of days to close From Selected to Today.

My Calculations 

Median(Interval(UpdateDate-CreateDate,'d')) --> But here i need to Apply the conditions How can do Please Guide me with your good Knowledge..

Thanks a lot...!



Thanks & Regards






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