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Hello all,
Looking for suggestion how to handle the following case:
I do have a chart where Set Analysis is defined as following:
sum({<Date = {"<=$(=date(vDR1End))>=$(=date(vDR1Start))"}, Master_Month = >} Sales)
Where Date is the date-format field and Master_Month is one of the Master Items defined as =Month(Date)
I just want to ignore the selection in Master_Month field, but QS is ignoring this option.
The selections list is not even showing the "Master_Month" field. It's showing a function and the result of the selection:
I am assuming it's happening due to Master Items' nature, but I would need to find a solution to workaround this functionality.
Will appreciate an advice how to handle this case.
Hello Vladimir,
I am using Qlik Sense 3.1SR4 and just discovered that it is now working.
Just did it in such an expression : sum({<[Ref Globale]=>}[DOSSIER.ZZZ_PRX_VENTE])
where [Ref Globale] is a master item defined as : [DOSSIER.PREFREF] & DOSSIER.GLO_REFERENCE
Seems to be working pretty well to me.
Also in 3.1SR4 you now get to see the Master Item name in the current selections. Not always though. I believe it depends on the expression behind the master item.
Kind regards,
Is creating Month(Date) as Master_Month in script a possibility?
Yes, of course.
I am not a big fan of creating shared Dimensions/Measures outside the script myself, and my question was more a theoretical one to see if I've missed something...
Do not know the reason why QS was designed this way, especially considering that these internal Master Items are not available in the Data Model and Data Viewer...
I would probably need more clarification about possibility of creating a "real" Master Item in the script.
Creating an additional "regular" field using Months(Date) as Master_Month is possible, but not very pleasant.
I was leaning towards using Derived field(s) in my app, but it looks like they will not help me much anyway: https://community.qlik.com/message/721865.
Could you please elaborate a bit more about possible solution for my case?
Appreciate your input!
Vlad -
I have very limited expertise in Qlik Sense. Have only worked on Qlik Sense while helping others on the community. Never had a chance to spend time looking into its unique features such as Master Measures.
May be reddys310 can offer some advice here.
Hello Vladimir,
I am using Qlik Sense 3.1SR4 and just discovered that it is now working.
Just did it in such an expression : sum({<[Ref Globale]=>}[DOSSIER.ZZZ_PRX_VENTE])
where [Ref Globale] is a master item defined as : [DOSSIER.PREFREF] & DOSSIER.GLO_REFERENCE
Seems to be working pretty well to me.
Also in 3.1SR4 you now get to see the Master Item name in the current selections. Not always though. I believe it depends on the expression behind the master item.
Kind regards,
Yes, it looks like they have fixed it, finally. I've skipped 3.1 SR2-SR4 releases, but have installed 3.2 just few days ago and it's working as expected there.
The Master item Name in current selections seems to be working as well.
The only thing I've noticed: the Master Item is still not color-coded in the script, as they are doing for known field names.
See "Date" and "Master_Month" below:
Thank you for update!
Where did you use the expression?
Was your master item a dimension or a measure?
What does [Dossier.ZZZ_ etc ]stand for?
Im really strugelling to get passed master item restrictions.-(
You probably dont remember this.
But where did you write the expresiom that helped you get passed by master item restrictions?
Thank you.-)