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Contributor II
Contributor II

Insert data based on conditional date variables


I have a list of projects, which are all due to be delivered on a specific date, and which all have a specific size of people working on them.

When I do tables + sum the size by date, it will only display the size on that specific date. What I want, is a table which shows all of the months from Jan-Dec 19 (column headers), and anywhere the date stamp in my source table is less than those months, to sum the size value from the table.

I have tried setting vJan, vFeb as variables + then trying to calculate distance from those dates + estimated delivery date as another variable, I've tried running cross table to mix dates + size, and I've tried entering interval match but I don't understand it + it doesn't like the code. If anyone can help me figure out a way to do this, it would be much appreciated, as have spent weeks on this so far and I'm completely lost

3 Replies

Perhaps like this: sum(size * Round( DayNumberOfYear([specific date])*12/365.2425))

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Contributor II
Contributor II

Thanks Gysbert -  I tried adding this as a master dimension though and it says it's invalid, even though the syntax help said the expression was 'OK'

I think that's the problem though, I don't know where to put this to get it to work, should it actually be a variable? or a Load script?


That's because it's not a dimension. It's a measure. You can't use that expression as a dimension. Please post a small qlikview .qvw document or a qlik sense .qvf app that explains what you're trying to do.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand