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I am new to Qliksense, so I'm hoping I am not repeating a question that has already been asked.
I currently extract the data from Qliksense and enter the this formula in excel =DATEDIF("Date",TODAY(),"M")
"Date" is a cell where date is in DD-MM-YYYY.
I want this information available in Qliksense do I don't need to extract it, so I created a dimension and entered the following
Interval((date#(([Date Initiated],'DD-MM-YYYY')) -(date#(Today(),'DD-MM-YYYY')),"M")
But I am getting an error. How do I fix it?
It's the difference in days. I assume you won't show them in this direction as negative values which could be easily reversed and then dividing it by 30 days and applying an appropriate rounding, maybe like:
floor((Today() - [Date Initiated]) / 30)
floor() is rounding down - ceil() would round up and if you want to show digits instead of integers then add the wanted ones to the rounding, like: floor(Value, 0.1)
Too much brackets, conversions and other syntax. Just try:
interval([Date Initiated] - today(), 'M') as X
If it doesn't returned the expected value just use parts of it to find those ones which have no respectively a different result, maybe:
date([Date Initiated]) as Y
[Date Initiated] - today() as Z
Thank you the following did not work, no data showed
interval([Date Initiated] - today(), 'M')
How would I rewrite it?
What return the parts? Like:
date([Date Initiated]) as Y
[Date Initiated] as YY
I'm unsure what you mean?
I entered interval this ([Date Initiated] - today(), 'M')
Hi @Chris_Buck
Check this:
Interval(date#([Date Initiated], 'DD-MM-YYYY') - Today(), 'M')
You need to check the data and their types (numbers or strings) and their formatting at first - if they are known you could address them properly.
I just looked in the help and interval() doesn't supports months/years as returns else only days and times. This means you couldn't use it. Alternatively approaches may be something like:
round((Date1 - Date2) / 30, 0.1) as X
(year(Date1) *12 + month(Date1)) - (year(Date2) *12 + month(Date2)) as Y
@Tauseef it says the expression is OK, but it doesn't bring me any values
This is how the data is displaying in the app.
I am entering the function in the Open & Overdue/Long Overdue column, which I am creating as a dimension.
Your date-field is left-aligned which hints that's not a real date else a string. To convert a string to a number you will need to specify the correct format-pattern and ensuring that the interpretation-variables are equally set to them. In your case the conversion may look like:
date(date#([Date Initiated], 'MMM DD, YYYY'), 'DD-MM-YYYY') as [Date Initiated]
and such measurement should be done ones within the script.
A lot of jargon for me @marcus_sommer 😅
Are you saying then that I should enter: date(date#([Date Initiated], 'MMM DD, YYYY'), 'DD-MM-YYYY')
in the field expression?
Will it give me the months? I need the how many months value between the dates like the excel function =DATEDIF(Cell Reference,TODAY(),"M") does