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Issue With Line Chart Forecasting



I have a line chart consisting of a 'Date' dimension and a 'Daily Risk Score' calculated master measure. I have a filter named 'User ID' which filters everything based on a selected user. I am having an issue when I enable the "Forecast" option on the measure. Before enabling, the measure data points match up just fine with their corresponding dates. Note the Daily Risk Score on 12/17/2021 is 1.3:

risk score by date.PNG

However, when I enable Forecasting, it compresses the above data points into a very small date range, usually between January and April. The data points do not correctly line up with their corresponding Date anymore, as shown below:

incorrect risk forecast.PNG

Note how the same Daily Risk Score that was for 12/17/2021 is now on the Date 4/14/2021. 


Can someone explain why this may be happening and how I can fix it? For reference, here is how the table looks with the User ID, Date and Daily Risk Score:

daily risk table.PNG

And here are my Forecast settings for the 'Daily Risk Score' measure:

forecast settings 1.PNG

and for the Date dimension:

forecast settings 1.PNG


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