We have 7 fact tables revolving around the same subject.
Together, they form a sort of "snowflake" fact tables schema.
There is a "base" fact table and the other tables have a many-to-many relationship with it.
I've loaded the data into Qlik and let it do its magic to auto-join the data and while it kinda gives me what I need (without the dimensions), I'd like to move away from a synthetic table.
Normally I'd try concatenating the tables together but in this case, I wasn't getting the result I wanted.
I need to keep
Here's the Qlik Data Model:
Qlik Data Model with Synthetic Key
Here's the data in SQL with some samples.
SQL Tables and Data Sample
Here's what I'm looking for:
Result without concatenate
Here's what I'm getting when concatenating the data.Result with concatenate