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Dear Qlik Users,
I am trying to create a dimension to filter a very simple table made of projects and their corresponding values:
I would like to create a dimension that I will use as a filter which values would be : 'Below 1M€', 'Above 1M€', 'Above 5M€', 'Above 15M€', 'Above 50M€'.
So some projects could be in several of these fields (a 7M€ project would be both in 'Above 1M€', and in 'Above 5M€').
When I tried creating the value, I did not see the behaviour I wanted to see; When filtering with the 'Above 1M€' value, I was only shown the projects between 1 and 5M€ but not those above, as expected.
Here is the script I have tried :
Aggr(if(sum([AED Amount])<1000000,
dual('Below 1M€',1),
if(Sum([AED Amount])>=50000000,
dual('Above 50M€ ',5),
if(Sum([AED Amount])>=15000000,
dual('Above 15M€',4),
if(Sum([AED Amount])>=5000000,
dual('Above 5M€',3),
if(Sum([AED Amount])>=1000000 ,
dual('Above 1M€',2)))))),[Project Name])
I suppose this is a problem of attributing multiple value to a single one, and to implement a hierarchy in between the values of a dimension.
Could you please help me creating such a dimension ?
Thank you for your help.
can you elaborate more what do you mean by hierarchy ? what is a exact requirement?
can you try similar to below
If( sum(amount)>=0 and sum(amount)<=10 ,"Bucket1",
IF(sum(amount) >=11 and sum(amount)<=20 ,"Bucket2",
IF(sum(amount) >=21 and sum(amount)<=30 ,"Bucket3")))
There is a hierarchy in between the values of this dimension because the project filtered as 'above 50M€' should also be in 'Above 15M€'.
So the Hirarchy would be 'Above 1M€'< 'Above 5M€' <'Above 15M€'< 'Above 50M€'. So some values of this new dimension would be "included" in others.
I would like to see all the projects which value is "ABOVE" a certain specific value (1, 5, 15, 50). (AND NOT BELOW another)
Thank you for your answer. But this is not what I am trying to do. Your solution are slices of values.
I would like to see ALL the projects which value is "ABOVE" a certain specific value (1, 5, 15, 50). (AND NOT BELOW another)