Recently we made an aggregated app on qliksense that has around 400 Millions of rows and other template app that can be called using ODAG. This app can be have around 30 millions of rows and reads 7 qvd's without any where clause. After user makes filters of one year and one month its possible to generate ODAG App, this parameters are used to call qvd files for this partcular period in all cases beacause qvd's has this period on the file name. When we are generating this ODAG it takes around 20 minutes, that's much time because this app only load some optimized qvd's.
For test purposes we made a copy of this detailed template app and delete ODAG Script. Only we are loading qvd's with period parameters. When we do this, reloads time takes around 3 minutes not 20.
Somebody knows why this happens and if its possible to solve this issue?.
Thanks for your help.