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Query about Input Boxes Objects Filtering

Hello community,

In my dashboard, I created total four input boxes for users to input their desired values and the following table will only display values of 'A amount' and 'B amount' within the range of min input boxes and max input boxes. First what I did was to input '10000' in Min input box for 'A Amount' ,and then input '20000' in Max input box for 'A Amount'. And one record left because it met the condition (Pic1). However, when I also input  '10000' in Min input box for 'B Amount' the 'B Amount' value for the record became null (Pic2). My assumption was that the original value of 'B Amount' for this record was less than '10000' so that Qlik changed it to null value, but what I tried to achieve here was that if the record did not meet the conditions based on what I input in the input boxes it should be excluded instead of changing the record's value to null, thanks!   

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1 Reply

It might be related to the way the variables are called - and NOTHING in the input-box may lead to NULL by calling the variable with a $-sign expansion. Therefore try instead of: $(vVar) a call of vVar.

Beside this you may consider to enforce always valide values - maybe by restricting the input-values in any way or implementing any kind error-handling.