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Contributor III
Contributor III

ROLL BACK qlik sense

I am disgusted.

I have been using qlikview for years and am delighted with the product.

Now they introduce qliksense, the core package is a minimalist product dependent upon open source customer contributions to elevate the product to a status of being "production worthy".

So what happens, Qlik continually pushes upgrades to qlik sense without insuring that previous extensions work.

What is Qliks answer, they are going to institue a "vetting" process for extensions, well, I have yet to see the fruit of this labor.

So what alternative do we have as consumers?

Find a different vendor ?

Or perhaps Roll back to a previous version of Qlik Sense, ONE THAT WORKS!

If you can find one!!!

Is this the fault of the Extension Author? Is this the fault of Qlik?

Ultimately the failure falls squarely on Qlik.

What must happen ?

Extension vetting must happen, and each new release of Qlik sense must be tested with all vetted extension prior to release.

Additionally, previous versions of Qlik sense server and desktop) must be available to the consumer along with appropriate procedures.

the questions are:

1. Where are older versions of Qlik Sence?

2. How do I download them?

3. What is the procedure to roll back, both server and desktop ?

4. What is the current strategy for Qlik vetting of extensions ?

5. Will "vetted" extensions be tested via Qlik prior to release of Qlik Sense upgrades ?


5 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II

Hi Terence,

  • I'm not sure, but the older version of QlikSense may be available at the partner portal.
  • Rollback for install, If you use enterprise edition, it has a great chance it runs on virtual machine. Before refresh make sure you have a snapshot (I learned this neccessary in hard way )
  • Since the extensions are not Qlik products you can't be sure that the extensions will work on the newer version.


Contributor III
Contributor III

Thanx Gabor.

I did save all of my previous install and associated files/data.

Additionally I did find old releases of Qlik Sense desktop at:


I did the save, I did the Uninstall, I did a reinstall of sense from April 2018 AND LOW AND BEHOLD the extensions are now working.

There are many lessons to be learned by this


Thanx again.

Specialist II
Specialist II

I'm glad it is working.

And yeah, these kind of lessons can be hard

Contributor III
Contributor III

Gabor, so in your opinion, and also to anyone else that desires to contribute to this discussion:

Who's responsibility is it to correct ?

Is it "the author of the extension" ?

or does this fall on Qlik as the "provider of the platform" ?

Specialist II
Specialist II

I think the first one, the responsibility of the creator of the extension.

But keep in mind there are vendors, and pay for it, and there are extensions, that are made for the community with fun. The latter case have as-is license, I think nobody should blame that kind of creators.
