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Rank Filter and Selection Filter in Set Expression

I am working with incident data in the following format where each row details one registered incident:


I attach some sample data.

I have a list box/field that allows for the user to select the 'Priority' level. I am trying to create a KPI that does the following: Counts the number of incidences - i.e. Count(ID) - only for the priority level selected (or all if none selected) and only for the top 5 components by Count(ID).

I have attempted the following with no joy:

Count({1<[Priority] = P([Priority])>*1<[Component] = {"=Rank(Count([ID]))<=5"}>} [ID])

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

12 Replies
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Sunny, thank you for your continued effort on this! And you are so close with this answer. It is now almost doing what I want with only one small problem...

The output of the function P(Priority) seems to alter if a selection on the component field affects the list of possible Priorities i.e. one of the priorities turn dark grey.qlikexample2.png

Apart from this it is working perfecly.


How about this

=Count({1<Ccomponent = {"=Num(Rank(Count({1<Priority = $::Priority>}ID), 3, 1)) <= 5"}, Priority = $::Priority>} ID)

Not applicable

You have done it! That is heroic effort!

I may be worth a small explanation explaining how this works for anyone visiting later...

Thank you very much!