Hey guys,
I have two variables in my script:
LET vYearMonthCurrent = '=Max(YearMonth)';
LET vYearMonthPrevious = '=Date(Addyears(Max(Id_Date), -1), '&chr(39)&'YYYY-MMM'&chr(39)&')';
And I'm using the first one in a graph in set analysis in this expression:
SUM ({<YearMonth= {"$(vYearMonthCurrent)"} >}VALUE)
SUM ({<YearMonth= {"$(vYearMonthCurrent)"} >}VALUE_AC)
It works just fine.
But if I want to use the variable with the previous year&month and do this:
SUM ({<YearMonth= {"$(vYearMonthPrevious )"} >}VALUE)
SUM ({<YearMonth= {"$(vYearMonthPrevious )"} >}VALUE_AC)
It shows 0.
Do you know why this happens?