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Set Expression doesn't work in a Graph

Hi all.

I have a problem I don't know to fix...

I have a KPI using set Intersection / Exclusion formula. This KPI calculates employees are in hire during the whole year. That is, employees who are hired on January 1th and are still hired on December 31 and have not been terminated on any day in that period.

Count( {

((<EmployeeID = P ({<ContractTypeID={'2'},FACTTYPE={*},Month={'Jan'}, Day={'1'},isActiveEmployee={'1'}>} EmployeeID ) >) *

(<EmployeeID = P ({<ContractTypeID={'2'},FACTTYPE={*},Month={'Dec'}, Day={'31'},isActiveEmployee={'1'}>} EmployeeID ) >)

) -(<EmployeeID = P ({<FACTTYPE={'EXITS', 'STARTS'}, IDCalendar={">=$(=$(vdate1thJanuary)) <=$(=$(vdate31December))"}> } EmployeeID ) >

)} Distinct EmployeeID )

Now, I want to apply this KPI in a graph (or in a table), using the year as dimension.

The problem when loading the table is that the Dimension Year doesn't apply in the formula and the formular is nor filtered by each year in the dimension.

Do you have any idea how to solve this??

Thanks a lost in advance!! 


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