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Hi Team,
I have a below data set:
Load * inline [
Budget, Amount
WLP00, 200000 ];
I don't have any year or month as the budget is allocated overall, All i know is the fiscal year is starting from 2010 and till now.
I have tried below:-
let vMinDate= Num('1/1/2013');
let vMaxDate= Num(Today());
if(RowNo()=1, Date($(vMinDate), 'DD/MM/YYYY'), Date($(vMaxDate) + RowNo(), 'DD/MM/YYYY'))as Date
AutoGenerate (1)
While $(vMinDate) + RowNo() < $(vMaxDate);
Num(Amount/12) as New_Budget
Resident Budget;
drop table Budget;
exit script;
From the above, it is giving me all the dates for every year , day and month. For instance i am getting Dates like 01/01/2013, 12/2/2020,13/2/2020...,01/03/2020,01/04/2020.........20/03/2027.
It is giving me the future dates which i don't need and also the dates for 2020 years is starting from the Feb month . It is not showing dates for 2014,2015 and so on.
My requirement is i only want dates for every years starting month. For ex:- 01/01/2010, 01/02/2010...01/12/2010........01/02/2020.
Can anyone please help urgently ??????
I have solved it myslef
Make a new table and load date in it and take the resident if temp table and put where condition
Resident temp
where day(Date)=1;
drop table temp;
from the input data, what is the expected outpout?
I have solved it myslef
Make a new table and load date in it and take the resident if temp table and put where condition
Resident temp
where day(Date)=1;
drop table temp;