There is some documentation on url selection for sense apps here
where the syntax for a text field with numeric values requires square brackets around field values
So far it is fine if you're typing the url yourself, but I'm trying to create such links using another sense app with an URL-represented dimension. That is, I want to pass selections from one app to another.
The URL-dimension encodes square brackets as [ = %5B and ] = %5D but this is not interpreted by the other QlikSense app when clicking the link.
How do I construct a URL-represented dimension that works for selection in text fields containing numbers?
Example load script. How to create a sense table with url links that can select in "text_values" field?
load 1 as NumericField AutoGenerate 1;
load 2 as NumericField AutoGenerate 1;
load 3 as NumericField AutoGenerate 1;
load text(NumericField) as [TextField]
Resident numeric_values;