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Contributor III
Contributor III

Time field in "Master Time" table and Time field in fact table looks equal but are not linked


I have this snippet that generates the Master Time table which has all minutes in the day and from that generates hours field:


Load *,
 Dual(Time(Floor(Time#([Order Time], 'hh:mm TT')), 'hh TT') ,hour([Order Time])) as [Order Hour]  
	time(recno()/1440, 'hh:mm TT') as [Order Time],
    time(recno()/1440, 'hh:mm TT') as [Order Time2],  
    minute(recno()/1440) as [Order Minute]
autogenerate(1440); // Generates every 1 minute

(I added [Order Time2] to be able to add it side by side with [Order Time] in a table box for demonstration)

and this line in the fact table extracts the time from ORDER_DATE and gets rid of the seconds.

Time(floor(frac(ORDER_DATE),1/24/60),'hh:mm TT') as [Order Time]



this should work, however, not all "times" values are linked it seems


here is a table box where I added [Order Time] and [Order Time2] and not all values are linked:


I even converted both fields to numbers to see the underlying values but that didn't help

What is going on? why aren't the values linked properly?



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1 Reply

The time-generation between both sources is (slightly) different because the time-table field based on a pure division while the fact-table field has with floor(field, 1/24/60) a rounding. Just apply the rounding to the time-table, too and it should be working.