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Creator II
Creator II

excluding and including values

Hello all,

I have a bunch of csv files that load in and store in a qvd. Recently, we added in a new field called OPEN_AMT. What I would like to do is to create an if statment that gathers data from the new field onward.

My if statement:

if (production date>='07/23/2018',OPEN_AMT,null())

However, when I type in OPEN_AMT it does not recognize it. The script runs but does not give me the open amt field.

Thank you and  any help would be appreciated!

9 Replies
Creator II
Creator II


Did you mean to do this?

if (production date>='07/23/2018',OPEN_AMT,null()) as OPEN_AMT

Creator II
Creator II

yes im sorry I did that as well but it didnt work




maybe it gives you null on all the rows..

did you gave the field an alias and put production date into [], like this ?

if ([production date]>='07/23/2018',OPEN_AMT,null()) as OPEN_AMT

also, what is your OPEN_AMT and [production date] format ? they should be the same..if it is DD/MM/YYYY, you can try to format it inside that script line, like this:

if (Date(Date#(production date,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY')>='07/23/2018',OPEN_AMT,null()) as OPEN_AMT


So, what exactly was the issue? You don't see a field name called OPEN_AMT or do you see all nulls in OPEN_AMT? If the values are all nulls... may be try this

If(production date >= MakeDate(2018, 7, 23), OPEN_AMT, Null()) as OPEN_AMT

Creator II
Creator II

with that code I am getting errors stating the field Production Date is not found.


Well what is your field name? production date or Production Date? Qlik is case sensitive... so make sure to use the correct casing. Also, youssefbelloum mentioned a good point... since you have space in the field name... wrap it around with  sqaure brackets []

Creator II
Creator II

hello youssef,

Unfortunately i get this error message:

The following error occurred:

Field 'OPEN_AMT' not found

The error occurred here:


The following error occurred:

Field 'Production Date' not found

The error occurred here:


The following error occurred:

Field 'Production Date' not found

Creator II
Creator II

So after ensuring the production date was used correctly I was able to load in data, however my OPEN_AMT is null across all dates. It should be a balance amount for 7/23 onwards

The following error occurred:

Field 'OPEN_AMT' not found

The error occurred here:
