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Creator III
Creator III

ignore selcetions qlik sense


I have the following N PERIOD MEASURE

rangeavg(above(Count( distinct{$<  Department -= {'Catering'}>}[OrderID] ),0,53))

I want to select a year from a filter pane, but I want this measure to ignore it

I have done the following below and it does not work

rangeavg(above(Count( distinct{$<  Department -= {'Catering'}, Year =>}[OrderID] ),0,53))

I have heard of using concat, but how do I get that to work (if correct method to use) with this above measure

please help

10 Replies

This doesn't ignore selection in Year? Is your Year field called Year or something else?

RangeAvg(Above(Count(DISTINCT{$<Department -= {'Catering'}, Year =>} [OrderID]), 0, 53))

Creator III
Creator III


it does not seem to , as the rolling average number slightly changes when you select a year..

I want a user to select a year of their choice and the rolling average figures are un affected (not changed)..

this process normally works using the Year = for other set analysis measures..but does not seem to work for using the n period calculation using RangeAvg(above (Count

please help


I am not sure if you can share a sample or not, but it might help to look at it to figure out what might be wrong here

Creator III
Creator III


I cant sorry

but I have the dimension Weekend(OrderDate)

Measure 1 count(OrderID)

measure 2 rangeavg(above(Count( distinct{$<  Department -= {'Catering'}, Year =>}[OrderID] ),0,53))

When the user selects Year, the first measure should change..but the second measure should remain unaffected

as using the Year=  in the set analysis

the number for example before you select is

for example weekend date is

count 2216 (Measure 1)

Avg 2586 (Measure 2)

pick a year and I get

count 2216 (Measure 1)

Avg 2356 (Measure 2)

I think it does not work well with rangeavg functions

please help


Don't know my friend... sorry

Creator III
Creator III


is there another way / code type in qlik sense to ignore selections?

I fount concat..but I don't think I am doing it right

Kind Regards


This is the only way it was introduced to me... I am unaware of another way... but may be someone else can help you

Creator III
Creator III


in a post you replied to

3-months Average

so I am now using the code you provided...

RangeAvg(Below(Count( Distinct  {1< Year=>} [OrderID]), 0, 52))

I still need  when a user selects a year from the filer pane , the measure is unaffected

however using the Year= still does not work

I have had to change the above code to Above instead of the number will be slightly out otherwise too

so it looks like

RangeAvg(Above(Count( Distinct  {1< Year=>} [OrderID]), 0, 52))

any more ideas please

Kind Regards


Nope still no idea... I am really sorry Joanna.. I am not sure what you have at your end... and without knowing, it will be very difficult to say anything