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qlik sense server reload task scheduler failing

I am using qlik sense server and have to refresh the data from my database in the app so it could reflect the changes made.i tried using task scheduler but as i am providing task schedule its showing "failed" status and in the log error file i am getting following error.

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Execution started.

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Qlik Sense Server Version     2.0.2+Build:55.origin/release/ms12

2015-09-04 15:47:41      CPU Target                    x64

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Operating System              Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 (64 bit edition)

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Wow64 mode                    Not using Wow64

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Language                      0409 English (United States) English

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Country                       1 United States United States

2015-09-04 15:47:41      MDAC Version                  6.1.7601.17514

2015-09-04 15:47:41      MDAC Full Install Version     6.1.7601.17514

2015-09-04 15:47:41      PreferredCompression          2

2015-09-04 15:47:41      EnableParallelReload          1

2015-09-04 15:47:41      ParallelizeQvdLoads           1

2015-09-04 15:47:41      AutoSaveAfterReload           0

2015-09-04 15:47:41      BackupBeforeReload            0

2015-09-04 15:47:41      EnableFlushLog                0

2015-09-04 15:47:41      SaveInfoWhenSavingFile        0

2015-09-04 15:47:41      UserLogfileCharset            65001

2015-09-04 15:47:41      OdbcLoginTimeout              -1

2015-09-04 15:47:41      OdbcConnectionTimeout         -1

2015-09-04 15:47:41      ScriptWantsDbWrite            false

2015-09-04 15:47:41      ScriptWantsExe                false

2015-09-04 15:47:41      LogFile CodePage Used:        65001

2015-09-04 15:47:41      UseMemoryFillPattern          1

2015-09-04 15:47:41      ScriptMode                    Standard (limits system access)

2015-09-04 15:47:41      ReloadCodebase                Classic

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Reload Executed By            Personal\Me

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Process Executing             Qlik Sense Server

2015-09-04 15:47:41      Process ID                    8220

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0002 SET ThousandSep=','

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0003 SET DecimalSep='.'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0004 SET MoneyThousandSep=','

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0005 SET MoneyDecimalSep='.'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0006 SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0007 SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0008 SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0009 SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0010 SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0011 SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0012 SET LongMonthNames='January;February;March;April;May;June;July;August;September;October;November;December'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0013 SET LongDayNames='Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0014 SET FirstWeekDay=6

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0015 SET BrokenWeeks=1

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0016 SET ReferenceDay=0

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0017 SET FirstMonthOfYear=1

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0018 SET CollationLocale='en-US'

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0019 *CONNECT*

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0021 LOAD "GSE_ID",

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0022     "Resource_Group",

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0023     Department,

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0024     Crew,

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0025     Ownership

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0026 SQL SELECT "GSE_ID",

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0027     "Resource_Group",

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0028     Department,

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0029     Crew,

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0030     Ownership

2015-09-04 15:47:41 0031 FROM RMOS.dbo."GSE_Master"

2015-09-04 15:47:42       5 fields found: GSE_ID, Resource_Group, Department, Crew, Ownership,

2015-09-04 15:47:42      224 lines fetched

2015-09-04 15:47:42 0125 *CONNECT*

2015-09-04 15:47:42      Error: Could not fetch connection by name using identifier ESDAPOCNV01

2015-09-04 15:47:42      General Script Error

2015-09-04 15:47:42      Execution Failed

2015-09-04 15:47:42      Execution finished.

if someone could please tell me what is the problem my company work is stuck because of this

1 Reply
Not applicable

Did you ever get anywhere with this? I'm running into the same issue, and I'm kind of at a loss.