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sum values prior and after comparing date fields

Hi all!

So i have this table where I`m trying to sum up the amount of times something has been viewed since a change was made to it.

I have one column where i have the date the change was made ([Date change]) and another column which lists the dates on which a view was made (Date Viewed]).

I have a column which lists the amount of times that the page was viewed, and basically i want to see

a)how many times the page was viewed prior to the day the change was made and

b)how many times the page was viewed after the day the change was made.

Any suggestions?


2 Replies

A sample data with expected output explained would be helpful to help.

So, the two columns with formulas are where i`ve attempted to try and write these myself (and failed obviously).

The first column is the Identifier.

Column B is the date the change was made to a data.

Column C is a date that the folder was data had a viewing.

Column E is how many times on D`s date, that the data was viewed.

So i basically wanted to have in column A, the sum of how many times the data was looked at before the date in column B. ANd also how many were after that point too?