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Not applicable

Erro ao Recarregar (Reload schedule)

Product nameQMS Backend Core x64

Client Build Number11.0.11282.0

Target Platformx64

Tenho 5 arquivos QVW, sendo que 4 deles são para conectar e extrair dados do banco de dados, gravando os arquivos QVD. O outro apenas lê os QVD´s gerados para exibir os dados.

Quando recarrego na mão, pelo Qlikview Personal, vai tudo sem problemas.

Entao criei os agendamentos para que a recarga fique automatica, mas tenho os erros abaixo tanto quando peço para executar (play), quanto executa pelo agendamento.

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Starting task 'Mix Vendas Leadtime.qvw'. Id:d8dbc341-4b9f-4166-be19-165cc1944584. Triggered by 'ManualStartTrigger'. Id:00000001-0002-0003-0405-0607080a0b0c

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Entering Task Execution.

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: ClusterID=1

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: QDSID=400f89e8-828a-78ae-c20c-9efe3d019951

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: TaskID=d8dbc341-4b9f-4166-be19-165cc1944584

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: MaxRunTime=06:00:00

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: MachineName=CPDSRV05

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Max attempts:1

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Current Attempt=0

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Task Dependencies are OK

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Document is marked to be Reloaded with fresh data. Initializing Reload for Distribution.

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Opening "C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Mix Vendas Leadtime.qvw"

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Allocating new QlikView Engine. Current usagecount=1 of 2

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Max retries:5

(2013-08-07 13:16:07) Information: Attempt:01

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: Allocated QlikView Engine successfully. Current usagecount=1 of 2, Ticket=4

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: Loading document "C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Mix Vendas Leadtime.qvw" (159.65 Mb)

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: Physical FileSize=159.65 Mb. Memory Allocation Delta for this file=31.11 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Open=21661.34 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Open=21626.18 Mb. Total Physical Memory=32733.38 Mb.

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: Attempted to load the document without data.

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: The document was loaded successfully.

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: Document was opened successfully

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: Starting reload

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: QlikView->Settings->Document Peferences->Generate Logfile in document is not set.

(2013-08-07 13:16:08) Information: The Source Document is being reloaded. DocumentPath=C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Mix Vendas Leadtime.qvw

(2013-08-07 13:16:09) Information: Reloading.

(2013-08-07 13:16:10) Information: Reloading..

(2013-08-07 13:16:11) Information: Reloading...

(2013-08-07 13:16:12) Information: Reloading....

(2013-08-07 13:16:13) Information: Reloading.....

(2013-08-07 13:16:14) Information: Reloading......

(2013-08-07 13:16:15) Information: Reloading.......

(2013-08-07 13:16:16) Information: Reloading........

(2013-08-07 13:16:17) Information: Reloading.........

(2013-08-07 13:16:18) Information: Reloading..........

(2013-08-07 13:16:19) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <2> seconds.

(2013-08-07 13:16:19) Information: Reloading

(2013-08-07 13:16:21) Information: Reloading.

(2013-08-07 13:16:23) Information: Reloading..

(2013-08-07 13:16:25) Information: Reloading...

(2013-08-07 13:16:27) Information: Reloading....

(2013-08-07 13:16:29) Information: Reloading.....

(2013-08-07 13:16:31) Information: Reloading......

(2013-08-07 13:16:33) Information: Reloading.......

(2013-08-07 13:16:35) Information: Reloading........

(2013-08-07 13:16:37) Information: Reloading.........

(2013-08-07 13:16:39) Information: Reloading..........

(2013-08-07 13:16:41) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <10> seconds.

(2013-08-07 13:16:41) Information: Reloading

(2013-08-07 13:16:51) Information: Reloading.

(2013-08-07 13:17:01) Information: Reloading..

(2013-08-07 13:17:11) Information: Reloading...

(2013-08-07 13:17:21) Information: Reloading....

(2013-08-07 13:17:31) Information: Reloading.....

(2013-08-07 13:17:41) Information: Reloading......

(2013-08-07 13:17:51) Information: Reloading.......

(2013-08-07 13:18:01) Information: Reloading........

(2013-08-07 13:18:11) Information: Reloading.........

(2013-08-07 13:18:21) Information: Reloading..........

(2013-08-07 13:18:31) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <60> seconds.

(2013-08-07 13:18:31) Information: Reloading

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Information: The Source Document reload complete. DocumentPath=C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Mix Vendas Leadtime.qvw

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Information: Memory Allocation Delta for this file=1568.50 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Reload=21626.17 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Reload=20262.13 Mb. Total Physical Memory=20262.13 Mb.

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Information: The Source Document was reloaded successfully.

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Information: Reload finished successfully

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Information: Start saving document

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Error: Exception=System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException: Não foi possível converter algumas ou todas as referências de identidade.

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Error:    em System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.Translate(IdentityReferenceCollection sourceAccounts, Type targetType, Boolean forceSuccess)

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Error: em System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.Translate(Type targetType)

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Error:    em System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity.ModifyAccess(AccessControlModification modification, AccessRule rule, Boolean& modified)

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Error:    em System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity.AddAccessRule(AccessRule rule)

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Error:    em QVBWrapper.Document.CopyPermissionsToEmptyFile(ILogBucket i_LogBucket, String i_SourceFilename, String i_DestinationFileName)

(2013-08-07 13:18:44) Error: Could not touch target file

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Information: Closing the document.

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=10336

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error: The task "Mix Vendas Leadtime.qvw" failed. Exception:

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error: QDSMain.Exceptions.DistributionFailedException: Distribute failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: Could not touch target file

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error:    em QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error:    --- Fim do rastreamento de pilha de exceções internas ---

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error:    em QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error:    em QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult)

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error:    --- Fim do rastreamento de pilha de exceções internas ---

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error:    em QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult)

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Error:    em QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Information: Task Execute Duration=00:02:38.0783118

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Information: TaskResult.status=Finished

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors - completed

(2013-08-07 13:18:45) Information: Saving Task Result


08/08/2013 14:29:43:  Execution started.
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  QlikView Version:11.00.11282.0
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  CPU Target                x64
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  Operating System          Windows Server 2012 Standard  (64 bit edition)
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  Wow64 mode                Not using Wow64
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  MDAC Version              6.2.9200.16384
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  MDAC Full Install Version 6.2.9200.16384
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  PreferredCompression      2
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  EnableParallelReload      1
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  ParallelizeQvdLoads       1
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  AutoSaveAfterReload       0
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  BackupBeforeReload        0
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  EnableFlushLog            0
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  SaveInfoWhenSavingFile    0
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  UserLogfileCharset        0
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  OdbcLoginTimeout          -1
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  OdbcConnectionTimeout     -1
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  ScriptWantsDbWrite        false
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  ScriptWantsExe            false
08/08/2013 14:29:43:  LogFile CodePage Used:    1252

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0002  SET ThousandSep='.'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0003  SET DecimalSep=','

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0004  SET MoneyThousandSep='.'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0005  SET MoneyDecimalSep=','

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0006  SET MoneyFormat='R$ #.##0,00;-R$ #.##0,00'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0007  SET TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0008  SET DateFormat='DD/MM/YYYY'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0009  SET TimestampFormat='DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss[.fff]'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0010  SET MonthNames='jan;fev;mar;abr;mai;jun;jul;ago;set;out;nov;dez'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0011  SET DayNames='seg;ter;qua;qui;sex;sáb;dom'

08/08/2013 14:29:43: 0013  OLEDB CONNECT32*Provider*XPassword*

08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0015  [CLIENTE]:

08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0016  SQL SELECT "cod-emitente",

08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0017  "cod-gr-cli",
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0018  "cod-rep",
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0019  "data-implant",
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0020  "nome-emit",
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0021  "nome-matriz",
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0022  estado,
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0023  cidade,
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0024  pais,
08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0025  cgc

08/08/2013 14:29:44: 0026  FROM PUB.emitente

08/08/2013 14:29:44: 
10 fields found: cod-emitente, cod-gr-cli, cod-rep, data-implant, nome-emit, nome-matriz, estado, cidade, pais, cgc, 80.757 lines fetched

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0028  STORE CLIENTE INTO C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Extracao\QVDS\CLIENTE.QVD

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0030  [GRUPO_CLIENTE]:

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0031  SQL SELECT "cod-gr-cli",

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0032  descricao

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0033  FROM PUB."gr-cli"

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 
2 fields found: cod-gr-cli, descricao, 35 lines fetched

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0035  STORE GRUPO_CLIENTE INTO C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Extracao\QVDS\GRUPO_CLIENTE.QVD

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0038  [ITEM]:

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0039  SQL SELECT "desc-item",

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0040  "fm-cod-com",
08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0041  "it-codigo",
08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0042  un

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 0043  FROM PUB.item

08/08/2013 14:29:47: 
4 fields found: desc-item, fm-cod-com, it-codigo, un, 26.389 lines fetched

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0045  STORE ITEM INTO C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Extracao\QVDS\ITEM.QVD

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0047  [REGIAO]:

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0048  SQL SELECT "nome-ab-reg",

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0049  "nome-regiao"

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0050  FROM PUB.regiao

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 
2 fields found: nome-ab-reg, nome-regiao, 12 lines fetched

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0052  STORE REGIAO INTO C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Extracao\QVDS\REGIAO.QVD

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0054  [VENDEDOR]:

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0055  SQL SELECT "cod-rep",

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0056  cidade,
08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0057  estado,
08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0058  pais,
08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0059  nome,
08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0060  "nome-ab-reg",
08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0061  "rep-indireto"

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0062  FROM PUB.repres

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 
7 fields found: cod-rep, cidade, estado, pais, nome, nome-ab-reg, rep-indireto, 323 lines fetched

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0064  STORE VENDEDOR INTO C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Extracao\QVDS\VENDEDOR.QVD

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0066  [Natureza]:

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0067  SQL SELECT "cd-trib-icm",

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0068  "nat-operacao",
08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0069  tipo

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0070  FROM PUB."natur-oper"

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 
3 fields found: cd-trib-icm, nat-operacao, tipo, 1.391 lines fetched

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0072  STORE Natureza INTO C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Extracao\QVDS\Natureza.QVD

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0074  [ESTABELECIMENTO]:

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0075  SQL SELECT "cod-estabel",

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0076  nome

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0077  FROM PUB.estabelec

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 
2 fields found: cod-estabel, nome, 6 lines fetched

08/08/2013 14:29:48: 0079  STORE ESTABELECIMENTO INTO C:\Program Files\QlikView\Documents\Extracao\QVDS\ESTABELECIMENTO.QVD

08/08/2013 14:29:49:   $Syn 1 = cod-rep+estado+cidade+pais
08/08/2013 14:29:49:  Execution finished.
31 Replies
Not applicable


Bom dia!

Estava analisando seu problema e tenho duvidas sobre como está configurado e uma dica para solução do problema.

Primeiro esse usuário que roda os serviços do QlikView é o administrador mesmo?

Ele está com todas as permissões e faz parte do Grupo administrador do QlikView?

Uma dica para chegar ao ponto exato que está causando o seu problema seria vocÊ debugar o código pelo QlikView.


bom dia!

Bruno Triunfo.

Not applicable


E concordo com o que o Eduardo falou, é sempre bom manter o ambiente atualizado.

Isso mantem o ambiente seguro e com menos indices de bugs recorrentes de versões problemáticas.

Acho interessante você conversar com o master reseller da sua empresa e trocar essas informações.


Bruno Triunfo.

Not applicable

Bom dia Bruno;

Sim, nos prints logo acima vc pode verificar que o usuario do serviço é o Administrador, do dominio, da maquina e esta no grupo Qlikview Administrators.

O debug que se refere é dentro do Personal ? Se sim, lá o erro nao ocorre, tudo é carregado sem mensagem alguma de erro.

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Cleber, também recomendo que vc entre em contato com a sua Master Reseller para pedir apoio. Se for o caso, eles podem abrir um chamado de suporte na QlikTech.

Mas já adiantando que muito provalvemente eles vão pedir para vc atualizar pra versão mais recente.

Creator III
Creator III

Cleber faz o teste que indicaram no tópico, remove o usuário do Session acess, salva, faz a carga manual, coloca novamente usuário no session acess, salva e tenta rodar

Not applicable

Olá Thiago, desculpe-me nao achei esse tópico, onde seria esse painel de controle para retirar/incluir usuário ?

Creator III
Creator III

Nessa tela abaixo:

dentro do Qlikview Manager console, seleciona seu documento na opção reaload


remove o usuário e senha, desmarca session acess, salva faz e recarga manual, colocar novamente e salva

Not applicable

Essa configuração é por documento, certo ?

Verifiquei e nao tenho marcado a opção Data Protection em nenum deles.

E manual estou conseguindo fazer a recarga normalmente.

Devo entao agora marcar o parametro e informar usuario/senha ?

Not applicable


Esta bem complicado e isso deve ser uma coisa simples.

Entra em contato com seu master reseller e tire essa duvida.


Bruno Triunfo.

Creator III
Creator III

Tenta fazer isso vamos ver se resolve.

mas faz somente nesse que conecta na base de dados do progress
nao se por ser uma base externa precisa disso, pelo menos no meu SAP eu preciso....esse documento ele tem alguma restrição por usuário ?