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Preciso limpar a pasta tmp antes de enviar o email atravès do pdf(macro)

Preciso apagar todos os pdf antes de salvar e enviar pdf via macro

Só não sei aonde no código vba abaixo insiro a função Clear.

Alguma dica...

Limpar tudo antes na pasta c:\tmp


sub PrintReport

  Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  fln = "C:\tmp\myreport.pdf"

  RegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QlikViewPDF\"

  WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "BypassSaveAs", 1

  WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "OutputFile", fln

  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 2000

  WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "BypassSaveAs", 0

  WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & "OutputFile", ""

  Set WSHShell = nothing

end sub

function GetVariable(varName)

        Dim v

        set v = ActiveDocument.Variables(varName)

        GetVariable = v.GetContent.String

end function

Sub ExecMacro()






End Sub

Sub Envio()

  'Set TabelaEmails = ActiveDocument.Fields("Gerente").GetPossibleValues(1000)

  'For contEmail = 0 to TabelaEmails.Count - 1  ' Aqui faz um Laco com o campo "Gerente"......

  'ActiveDocument.Fields("Gerente").Select TabelaEmails.Item(contEmail).Text


        'Aqui apaga se tiver os arquivos.....

        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Fabio.pdf") then

  filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Fabio.pdf"

  End If

  Set filesys = Nothing

        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\FabioB.pdf") then

  filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\FabioB.pdf"

  End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Produtos.pdf") then

' filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Produtos.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Tiradentes-82.pdf") then

' filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Tiradentes-82.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Brasil-282.pdf") then

' filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Brasil-282.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Ramalho-182.pdf") then

' filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Ramalho-182.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Conv-282.pdf") then

' filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Conv-282.pdf"

' End If


' Set filesys = Nothing

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Conv-182.pdf") then

' filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Conv-182.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\Conv-82.pdf") then

' filesys.DeleteFile "C:\tmp\Conv-82.pdf"

' End If


        ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP01

  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 2000

  Set filesys = Nothing

        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP01", "RP01"


  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

  ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

    filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Fabio.pdf"

  End If

  Set filesys = Nothing

  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000


'        ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP02

        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP02", "RP02"


  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

  ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

    filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\FabioB.pdf"

  End If

  Set filesys = Nothing

  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

''        '===========================================================================================

'        ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP03

'        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP03", "RP03"

' PrintReport()

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

'   filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Produtos.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

'''' '===========================================================================================

' ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP04

'        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP04", "RP04"

' PrintReport()

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

'   filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Tiradentes-82.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

''        '===========================================================================================

' ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP04

'        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP05", "RP05"

' PrintReport()

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

'   filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Brasil-282.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' '===========================================================================================

' ' Aqui roda o relatorio ID   RP04

'        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP06", "RP06"

' PrintReport()

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

'   filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Ramalho-182.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' '===========================================================================================

' ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP07", "RP07"

' PrintReport()

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

'   filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Conv-282.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

''        '===========================================================================================

'        ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP08", "RP08"

' PrintReport()

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

'   filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Conv-182.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

''        '========================================================

' ActiveDocument.PrintDocReport "RP09", "RP09"

' PrintReport()

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000

' ' Aqui se existe o PDF, entao renomeia ele.......

'        Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' If filesys.FileExists("C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf") then

'   filesys.MoveFile "C:\tmp\QlikView Printing.pdf", "C:\tmp\Conv-82.pdf"

' End If

' Set filesys = Nothing

' ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000


'        ' Inicio das configuracoes do EMAIL

  Porta         = GetVariable("smtpPorta")

  Server        = GetVariable("smtpServer")

  Usuario       = GetVariable("smtpUser")

  Senha         = GetVariable("smtpPWD")

  Origem        = GetVariable("smtpOrigem")

  Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

  Set objConf = objEmail.Configuration

  Set objFlds = objConf.Fields

  With objFlds


  .Item("") = 2

  .Item("") = Server

  if len(Usuario) > 0 then

  .Item("") = 1

  .Item("") = Usuario

  .Item("") = Senha


  .Item("") = 1

  end if

  .Item("") = Porta

  .Item("") = False

  .Item("") = 90



  End With

  'Destinatarios     = TabelaEmails.Item(contEmail).Text

  'Destinatarios     = "

  Destinatarios     = ""

  objEmail.To       = Destinatarios

  objEmail.CC       = ""

  objEmail.From     = ""

  objEmail.Subject  = "Relatórios Gerenciais - Favor não responder este e-mail - Enviado automaticamente."

  objEmail.HTMLBody = "Relatórios Gerenciais"


        'Aqui colocamos os anexos.....

  objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Fabio.pdf"

  objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\FabioB.pdf"

' objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Produtos.pdf"

' objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Tiradentes-82.pdf"

'       objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Brasil-282.pdf"

'       objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Ramalho-182.pdf"

'       objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Conv-282.pdf"

'       objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Conv-182.pdf"

'       objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\tmp\Conv-82.pdf"

'        '===========================================================================================



        'Aqui apagamos os arquivos pois senao da erro na proxima vez.....


  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 3000


End Sub

1 Reply

Criei um no bat ao execultar o email



forfiles /P C:\tmp /c "cmd /c del @path /q & rd @path /s /q" start /MAX C:\Geral\Fabio\abrir.bat
