Hi, I have problems with the execution of quartz jobs. I am using oracle 10g. My jobservers and commandline are up
My quartz.properties is set as follows:
org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 20
org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 5
org.quartz.threadPool.threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread = true
org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.talend.administrator.scheduler.TalendJobStoreTX
When I try to deploy some tasks I always get this error, and I don´t know what is wrong.
2012-07-06 10:12:14 ERROR ErrorLogger - An error occured while marking executed job complete (will continue attempts). job= 'JOB_CONDUCTOR.53'
org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Failed to obtain DB connection from data source 'QRTZ_DS': java.lang.NullPointerException
Thanks in advance.