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deploying onto Tomcat

Would like to know how to deploy the Services & the associated jobs developed using TOS or TES (Enterprise Studio or Open Studio) onto Tomcat.

Version I m using is TOS for ESB 5.0.2
Step1. I create a Service associating it with a WSDL I have.
Step 2. I create a Job for this Service, using Talend Studio .
I understand that I can run this job under the Talend Studio.
I want to deploy this Job along with the Service Built (using my own WSDL) onto Tomcat Server as Axis Webservice.
I know that I can export a job as a axis webservice.war or zip extension but then it generates a WSDL for the Job to be invoked as a Web Service but my aim is to know how do I make the Service & its Associated Job (together) deploy onto Tomcat Server?
Any sample appreciated.

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8 Replies
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Hi Sandy,
currently services created in the Studio are exclusively targeted for the Talend Runtime that also comes with TOS. At this point in time Tomcat or any other JEEE server is not supported. To deploy the service into the Talend Runtime you have to right click on your service and select 'Export Service'. For more details see the tutorial created by our documentation team.
BTW I don't think deploying the job itself to Tomcat will work, because some of he required component will be missing in Tomcat.
Best Regards,
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Hi Zsolt,
Thank you for the response. For making it run on Talend Runtime I got it done and could show a Demo to the prospect (^-^), thanks.
Are there any chances for its support in future? If yes, then ideally when can it be expected (In Talend Clustered Edition / Talend Team Edition for ESB).

Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
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it is on the wishlist maintained by product management, but it didn't make it on the roadmap yet. So chances are good we will support Data Services and Routes running on Tomcat in future, but it is not yet scheduled. Of course it is a very valid request as many prospects have a rather strict policy regarding which kinds of container they are willing to install and run. This conversation will also help to make this feature request more prominent.
BTW, hand coded services and routes run on Tomcat already today.
Best Regards,
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Hi Zsolt,
Thanks a lot for the update.
Is it OK if I convey to the prospect that in future it may be supported and Talend Product Mgmt. is already thinking about it but yet to have a roadmap as of now?
Non-coding is what attracts many 😉 so I would like to stick to the Mantra of "Assemble and Don't Code" 0683p000009MACn.png and yet it is "Open".
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
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Is it OK if I convey to the prospect that in future it may be supported and Talend Product Mgmt. is already thinking about it but yet to have a roadmap as of now?

That describes pretty well the state of this requirement
Non-coding is what attracts many 😉 so I would like to stick to the Mantra of "Assemble and Don't Code" 0683p000009MACn.png and yet it is "Open".

Yeah, that's the added value the Studio is supposed to bring.
Kind Regards,
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Presently, the prospect (a customer of Talend DI Ver 4.x.x) is actually running some of their BP's on a Commercial ESB product and I have advised them to have a look at Talend ESB as they already are a User of Talend DI (both Enterprise Version and Open Studio Version) and they already have Talend Skills available internally.
The prospect is looking at options to replace their present ESB and also for new development.
They are presently looking at:
1. jBPM and jBOSS (ESB)
2. Talend Offering (v5 version)
3. Bonitasoft BPM (only issue being it doesn't have a Japanese Version as of now).
Since, the Tomcat version is not present as of now, but then they can get the feel / power of the product using "Karaf Container" during evaluation phase with a expectation that Tomcat / commercial Container deployment version will be available sometime in near future or in case they commit(Commercial Version) then may be we can work out something.
Thanks for your information. Will update once I get something interesting 0683p000009MACn.png
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Hi Zsolt,
Even now (version 5.2.0), JBoss is not available as Web-Server for talend ESB Runtime?
Best Regards,
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Hi Tac,
also with 5.2 we only support our OSGi / Karaf base Talend runtime. Web server such as Tomcat or JBoss are currently not supported to run data services or routes.
Kind Regards,