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Cannot download talendcsv jar file from maven repository


When I press guess schema in talend data integration tool (version 8.0) I get the following message



Obviously the jar file talendcsv 1.0.0 is missing. I tried downloading the jar file from this page:

I pasted its maven dependency xml into the box "5 Maven XML" on this page
When I press submit I get a download error after a few seconds. What is wrong, why can't I download it?
And if this is not the right method, how can I download the jar file? 
Any other suggestions are also welcome of course. Thanks in advance!
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2 Replies

Hi, same here. But you can find the jar in the plugins directory of your studio.

Folder : \studio\plugins\org.talend.libraries.csv_8.0.1.20211103_1602\lib

I don't understand why Talend ask for this jar because it's already in the plugins.



This talendcsv jar file is talend built-in, studio/cmdline will sync these and generate the lite pom from plugins to m2 automatically, don't need to download it from anywhere.You need to clean up the local m2 or just reset it, and then try again.

Furthermore, not sure if there are any custom libraries in your project(like dependencies from routine, libraries set in tLibraryLoad which are not built-in and don't exists in maven-central or talend-update), then you need to set custom nexus for CI:

  1. prepare a nexus and set it as TMC/TAC's user library repository.
  2. log on the remote project, go to Preferences -> Talend -> Artifact Repository -> Libraries -> select option Share libraries to artifact repository at startup
  3. restart studio and log on project to trigger the deploy action
  4. add this custom nexus to repositories and set credentials in maven settings of CI

Best regards
