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Data tracking with email notifications

Hi All,

I'm looking for a solution to one requirement which is briefed below :

We have a table e.g. tblOffice which has three columns - OfficeID (Unique) , OfficeName, and isActive (flag - values 1,0). This table will be getting updated on daily basis. We want to develop a solution which will trigger email notification whenever there's an update, New record got added or an existing row got deleted e.g. Office Name : Lotus Bluebell is changed to Bluebell Lotus, . The solution will not trigger any email notification if there's no change to the existing data.

Please help with design steps required to develop this solution !


Sajal Pati

Labels (2)
2 Replies
Not applicable


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Do you want to develop a realtime or batch solution? Reatime meaning your job will run continuously and where there is a change in the table, it will send out notification. Batch solution meaning, you run it at a particular time e..g. every 5 minutes, once a daily etc. For realtime, you can use talend routes. for batch, you will need a field to extract the changes e.g. date or timeshtamp. store the date or timestamp in a separate table or file and use it to extract the data. if you do not have a date/timestamp field, then take a copy of the table at a particular time and compare the new copy with this copy to extract the changes.