You could write your query dynamically by using context variables.
tFixedFlowInput --row1--> tFlowToIterate --- iterate --> tMysqlInput ---> any output...
For the tFixedFlowInput you setup a simple schema with one column called table_name.
Configure in the tFixedFlowInput the list of tables you want to measure. Alternatively you could read the list also from a text file with tFileInputDelimited. The only important thing is in the flow and the column table_name you will get the name of the table to check.
For the tMysqlInout you use this query:
SUBDATE(CURDATE(),1) as curr_date,
'" + ((String) globalMap.get("row1.table_name")) + "' as table_name,
COUNT(1) as num_rows
FROM '" + ((String) globalMap.get("row1.table_name")) + "'"
Hint for creating queries for MySQL. I have no clue why people putting identifier into the quotas. This is absolute not necessary and could lead into trouble. Do not do this even if Talend unfortunately does this also by default - totally useless!! The only reason could be if you have identifier which is a keyword, but this is also a very bad design!