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Talend Warnings written on stdErr - Null value will be used for context parameter


We just recently upgrade Java to Open JDK 11.0.2 and Talend Open Studio 7.3.1 (TOS_DI-20200219_1130-V7.3.1). After the upgrade we're getting context parameters printed in the stdErr. This is an issue to us because we inspect the stdErr after a job is completed for any fatal errors. These warnings are no reason for the job to go incomplete. The following is what the stdErr looks like after running a job:


  Null value will be used for context parameter reportId: For input string: ""

  Null value will be used for context parameter reportDetailLevelAll: For input string: ""

  Null value will be used for context parameter reportLevelAll: For input string: ""

  Null value will be used for context parameter reportDetailLevelRet: For input string: ""

  Null value will be used for context parameter nextPeriod: For input string: ""

  Null value will be used for context parameter endMonthPeriod: For input string: ""


   Null value will be used for context parameter reportId: For input string: "<TALEND_NULL>"

   Null value will be used for context parameter reportDetailLevelAll: For input string: "<TALEND_NULL>"

   Null value will be used for context parameter reportLevelAll: For input string: "<TALEND_NULL>"

   Null value will be used for context parameter reportDetailLevelRet: For input string: "<TALEND_NULL>"

   Null value will be used for context parameter nextPeriod: For input string: "<TALEND_NULL>"

   Null value will be used for context parameter endMonthPeriod: For input string: "<TALEND_NULL>"


What has been changed and how can we make sure these warnings are not showing up in the stdErr?


Bonus question: Since upgrading we have also received this warning in the stdErr, we're currently ignoring it in the code but would like to have it removed altogether:


  Picked up JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS: --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED


Thanks so much!

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1 Reply

Hello @none jkrfs​,


1. Set the log4j level in < Run -> Advanced settings > to Error.




            2. Change the log4j code in < Project settings -> log4j2 > :


                  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

                           <Configuration > 


                                 <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT"> 

                                    <PatternLayout pattern="[%-5level] %d{HH:mm:ss} %logger{36}- %msg%n" />

                                    <RegexFilter regex="^Null value will be used for context parameter .*" onMatch="DENY" onMismatch="ACCEPT"/>




                                 <Root level="WARN">

                                    <AppenderRef ref="Console" /> 





           This will remove all warnings from the NULL integer datatype context but display the warning for others, like, tWarn.


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