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how to update my table when the data is no longer present

Hello community,
I'm stuck on a data update problem when it's no longer present in my reference file


The table which contains my referential :

  • table name : referential with some data
    id | code | domain | active | period |
    1 | 46L | AAAA | true | 04-2020 |
    2 | 46L | BBBB | true | 04-2020 |
    3 | 12M | AAAA | true | 04-2020 ]

at the beginning of every month I am provided with a new referential file (csv format) : name+period.csv => referential_05_2020.csv:
id | code | domain |
1 | 46L | AAAA |
2 | 46L | CCCC |
3 | 12M | AAAA |
3 | 12M | BBBB |


I have to update my referential table with these data.

as you can see in my file the data including code '46-L' and domain 'BBBB' is no longer present. Instead of deleting the record i want to update column "active" with false value and update period and insert new record



Here's what I'm looking for :

exepected output :

id | code | domain | active | period |
1  | 46L  | AAAA  | true  | 04-2020 |
2  | 46L   | BBBB | false | 05-2020 |
3  | 12M  | AAAA | true  | 04-2020 ]
4  | 46L  | CCCC | true  | 05-2020 |
5  | 12M | BBBB | true   | 04-2020 ]




i've tried :

referential_table ------(MAIN) ----------------- [ tMap ] ------------(output) ---------- referential_table (insert or update)





Join in my tMap :

         referential_table.code = myCsvFile.code

         referential_table.domain = myCsvFile.domain

match model : Unique Match

Join Model : left outer join


all I get as a result is :

id | code | domain | active | period |
1 | 46L | AAAA | true | 04-2020 |
2 | 46L | BBBB | true | 04-2020 |


 I'm not getting the new line from the csv file.


help, please.

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