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Contributor II
Contributor II

15 min interval time

Hi community, 

Seeking your assistance in creating an chart dimension, which shows 15 min interval time for the max date. 

Thanks in advance

7 Replies
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator


Do you mean you want to have all timetamps of the max date on the x-axis with increments of 15 minutes? 

If so, I think it would be good to create everything in the load script:


  • MaxDate = Max(DateField); //Get the maximum date of the datefield
    TempTimeTable: LOAD Timestamp(Timestamp#(Time(0, 'hh:mm:ss')) + (IterNo() - 1) * 1/96) as TimeValue AUTOGENERATE 96; // 24 hours * 4 quarters an hour 
    // create all timestamps with steps of 15 minutes
  • TimeTable: LOAD Timestamp(MakeDate(MaxDate) + TimeValue) as DateTimeValue RESIDENT TempTimeTable;
    // create the date with the timestamp

    Now you can just use the field DateTimeValue in the chart. 



Your description is really vague with no demo data or desired output.

From waht i understood, i believe you need to show something like below:

2485760 - Column with 15 min interval time for max date (1).PNG


if so, try below:

// Load the raw data
1440 as MinuteinaDay

// Find the maximum date
LOAD distinct *,
//IterNo() as MinuteIndex, // Create a minute index for each 15-minute interval
Floor((IterNo()-1)/15) * 15 & ' - ' & (Floor((IterNo()-1)/15) * 15 + 15) as MinuteRange // Create the 15-minute interval ranges
WHILE IterNo() <= 1440; // Loop until the minute in a day is exhausted to create intervals
Max(Date(Date, 'MM/DD/YY')) as MaxDate
Resident MaxDateData;


Champion II
Champion II

explore something like this function  ValueLoop(from [, to [, step ]]).


Sunil Chauhan
Contributor II
Contributor II

Thanks for your reply, here is the dimension I created for my chart "maketime(hour(start_time), (floor(Minute(start_time)/15))*15". Where start_time is date and time field. Currently it's showing the time breakdown from 12:00:00 AM to 11:45:00 PM, for the entire dates. I need to only present it for the max(date). If that makes sense.


You're welcome! Thanks for sharing the dimension you created. To only show the time breakdown for the max date, you could try adding a filter or condition that limits the data to just the maximum date. For example, you can modify your calculation to something like this:

IF date(start_time) = max(date(start_time)), maketime(hour(start_time), (floor(minute(start_time)/15))*15), NULL

This will ensure that your time breakdown only shows for the latest date in your dataset. Let me know if that helps or if you need any further adjustments!

Creator III
Creator III

Hi Aurora!
To create a 15-minute interval time dimension for the maximum date in Qlik, I would use a calculated dimension.

First, identify the maximum date in your dataset using the Max() function. You can store this in a variable or directly use it in your expression.
Then use the Floor() function to round the timestamps to the nearest 15-minute interval. Here’s a step-by-step expression:

=Timestamp(Floor([YourTimestampField], 15/1440))
YourTimestampField: Replace this with the actual field that contains your timestamp data.
15/1440: This fraction represents 15 minutes in terms of days (since 1 day = 1440 minutes).

Next, to filter by the maximum date, you can use an additional condition. You can create a calculated dimension or set analysis in your measure, limiting it to the maximum date:

=If(Date([YourTimestampField]) = Max(Date([YourTimestampField])), Timestamp(Floor([YourTimestampField], 15/1440)))

Once you have this expression, you can add it as a dimension in your chart.

If you have a TransactionTimestamp field, your calculated dimension might look like this:

=If(Date([TransactionTimestamp]) = Max(Date([TransactionTimestamp])), Timestamp(Floor([TransactionTimestamp], 15/1440)))

This will show the 15-minute intervals for the maximum date in your dataset.

let me know if helps

Contributor II
Contributor II

Thanks everyone for your replies, I tried your mentioned comments but couldn't find any luck in getting it right. Here's what I am thinking of creating my dimension as:
GetSelectedCount(Date) > 0,
maketime(hour(start_time), (floor(Minute(start_time) / 15)) * 15),
maketime(hour({< Date= {"=$(=Date(Max(Date)))"} >}start_time), (floor(Minute({< Date= {"=$(=Date(Max(Date)))"} >}start_time) / 15)) * 15)

The else statement doesn't seems to work, so if anyone can help me get this right would be much appreciated. Thanks!